Here is some specific information on a few services we offer and what we do. APM offers over 15 more, so please don't hesitate to ask when you call.

Interior Treatment
This includes treatment around windows, doors, along baseboards, at all wall junctions, and under appliances within your home.
Exterior Treatment
This includes treating under the eave-line, around windows and doors, base of the siding, the foundation wall, as well as perimeter areas, 10 to 15 feet out into bark-dust, bedding, shrubbery and lawn areas.
Regular Service treatments
Added to any service, these programs consists of a custom tailored treatment which are done on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis. This will provide pest protection year round.
Rodent Service
Exclusion and sealing off sites that allow mice to enter a structure. We will seal openings using screen, heavy-duty sealants and other exclusion materials. Keeping mice out of the structure is not always a simple project; however, exclusion is the single, best long-term way to deal with mice problems.
Treatment using traps and other mechanical devices to kill or remove mice is also needed to insure your home stays rodent free.
Carpenter Ant Treatment
Dusting in the attic and/or under the home along with interior and exterior treatment creates a sense of security for your home. Included in the exterior treatment, 1/8 inch holes are drilled into the wall voids. We then use a special four-way tip to inject product into the sides of the home insuring all colonies are exterminated. The ants are no longer able to use the voids as means of access to other areas of your home.
Boxelder Beetle Treatment
Full exterior treatment of your home, and surrounding bushes and trees. Maintaining treatment on trees during April thru October will dramatically reduce the number of Boxelder beetles the next year.

Hurry up boys, I hear APM is on their way to get rid of us and they are the best!